Book Categories


Book Categories

When you enter our book and publishing fair, you enter a wonderful world of words and stories where the variety of literary genres is astounding. We pride ourselves on giving readers the opportunity to immerse themselves in a wide variety of book categories.

Classics: Classic literature is always in high demand. At our fair, you’ll find works by Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, Austen, and many other great authors. From Pride and Prejudice to Crime and Punishment, you can find books that continue to inspire generations of readers.

Contemporary Literature: Fans of contemporary bestsellers will not be left indifferent. We have the latest novels, thrillers, fantasy and science fiction from the best contemporary authors. You can discover new worlds and explore complex characters with us.

Children’s Literature: Our events also embrace children. Children’s literature at our fair includes magical stories, educational books, and adventures for young readers. We strive to develop a love of reading from a very young age.

Science Literature: For those seeking knowledge, we offer an extensive science literature section. Here you can find books on disciplines ranging from physics to history to psychology. Enrich your intellect and deepen your knowledge at our fair.

Art and Photography: For creative souls, we have a section dedicated to art and photography. You can enjoy great art and see the world through the eyes of talented photographers.

Guides and Self Development: Want to improve yourself and develop skills? We offer a wide selection of self-development, business and leadership books to help you succeed in life.

This is just a small part of the variety of book categories that are featured at our fair. We believe in the power of words and the importance of accessing literary treasures from around the world. Visit our fair and let words open new horizons and worlds to you.